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Sunday Worship Service 10:30am
Facebook Live
Church School
Sunday 9am - 10am
Intercessory Prayer
Mondays 6:30am
Via Phone Line 425-436-6323
Access Code: 899-073
Bible Study
Tuesday 4pm
Via Phone Line 425-436-6323
Access Code: 899-073
15 Minutes of Faith Bible Study
Wednesday 7pm - 7:15pm
Facebook Live
Bible Study
Saturday 8:30
Via Phone Line 425-436-6323
Access Code: 899-073
The Women’s Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church a connectional, international organization, operating all over the AME Church and the world. It is a corporate body, a channel through which all women of the church have an opportunity to participate and broaden their scope of missions; to use their skills, knowledge, insight and leadership while touching the lives of many people all over the world.
The YPD under the leadership of the WMS provides meaningful youth training programs and opportunities for leadership experience in all areas of church life. By providing training in Evangelism, Christian Social Relations, and Education programs the YPD is designed to connect youth more fully to the mission of the church and increase knowledge of the African Methodist Episcopal Church history and the scriptures.
Our mission is to educate, elevate and expand the understanding and use of the arts in worship. Through workshops, teaching, training and example it is our goal to equip the saints to do the work of the ministry through music and the arts! .
Join us via Facebook Live for midweek praise, inspiration and encouragement.
7 - 7:15 pm every Wednesday Night
Monday Intercessory Prayer
Tuesday Bible Study
3rd Thursday Pastors Bible Study
Saturday Bible Study
Sons of Allen
Lay Organization
YPD Informationals
The word Evangelism suggests a simple Christian mandate, and at the same time points to the source of that mandate: Jesus the Christ. After we have experienced forgiveness and accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, it becomes ours to share. Evangelism in a word is sharing your faith. The test of your faith is whether you will share it. If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He saves us from our sins, and that faith in Him brings abundant life now and for all eternity, you have a message that you should not keep to yourself.